Our client is a tradesman who requires his driver’s licence to travel to work throughout Ulladulla and the South Coast. He was charged with mid-range drink driving after he left the road and crashed into a residential house.
At the time of the incident, our client had recently exited the hospital and was on strong medication for pain. He had little recollection of the accident because of the combined effects of alcohol and pain medication.
A plea of guilty was entered to one count of mid-range drink driving and our team of defence lawyers prepared the matter for a sentencing hearing, including but not limited to obtaining medical records, preparing references, and arranging our client’s attendance and completion of the Traffic Offenders Program.
At the sentencing hearing, Shoalhaven Lawyers’ principal lawyer – Ted Neaves, made oral submissions to the Court about the circumstances of the offending conduct. The Court accepted Mr. Neaves’ submissions and was particularly impressed with our client’s completion of the Traffic Offenders Program.
At the conclusion of the sentencing hearing, the Court did not impose any form of penalty and our client kept his driver’s licence.